We are pleased to provide you with the following insurance product offerings for your consideration:
Malpractice Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions – Individual
Provides E&O insurance coverage to an RN or RN (EC) for claims arising out of alleged/actual negligence in connection with the provision of professional services in the practice of nursing
Full Prior Acts coverage included
Limits of $1,000,000, $2,000,000 and $5,000,000 currently available
Defence Costs are in ADDITION to the limit of insurance for the limit options of $1,000,000, $2,000,000 and $5,000,000
NIL Deductible
Security & Privacy Liability Coverage automatically included subject to $50,000 per claim/aggregate sublimit. Option to increase to $250,000 sublimit available (subject to additional premium)
Employment Practices Liability coverage automatically included, subject to $100,000 sublimit per claim/aggregate per policy period
Outside Directorship Liability Coverage automatically included, subject to $500,000 per claim/aggregate per policy period (certain conditions apply)
Option to have coverage automatically extended to your Personal Corporation, if needed and subject to meeting eligibility requirements
Worldwide Territory coverage automatically included for $1,000,000, $2,000,000 and $5,000,000 limits
Option to purchase tail/extended reporting period insurance up to 6 years in the event of cessation of business, retirement, death, or disability of the insured
Satisfies the CNO's professional liability protection (PLP) requirement
Premiums start as low as $286 annually
Malpractice Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions – Firm (For Business Entities, Partnerships, Corporations)
Provides E&O insurance coverage to the partnership/entity for claims arising out of alleged/actual negligence in connection with the provision of professional services in the practice of nursing
Coverage is automatically extended to all non-professional employees of the partnership/entity. All professionals of the partnership/entity, such as RNs and RN(EC)s, will each need to purchase the Individual Malpractice Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions Insurance as noted above. Coverage is subject to the terms of the policy
Full Prior Acts coverage included
Limits of $1,000,000 $2,000,000 and $5,000,000 currently available, with higher limits available upon request
Defence Costs are in ADDITION to the limit of insurance
NIL Deductible
Security & Privacy Liability Coverage automatically included, subject to $50,000 per claim/aggregate sublimit. Option to increase to $250,000 sublimit available (subject to additional premium)
Employment Practices Liability Coverage automatically included, subject to $100,000 sublimit per claim/aggregate per policy period
Worldwide Territory coverage automatically included subject to the terms and conditions of the policy
Option to purchase tail/extended reporting period insurance up to 6 years in the event of cessation of business
Premiums start as low as $541 annually
Business Insurance – Property and Commercial General Liability Insurance
Provides the option to purchase insurance against the following key exposures in the operations of your business
Coverage for your business equipment and contents as per limit options available on the program
Coverage for business interruption (loss of revenue and additional expenses incurred) as a result of a property loss insured under the program
Coverage for theft of money, depositor's forgery, credit card forgery, computer theft and funds transfer fraud, per the limits available on the program
Coverage for third party liability as a result of negligence (i.e., slips and falls) – limits of $2,000,000, $3,000,000, and $5,000,000 currently available
Coverage for $2,000,000 Tenant's Legal Liability included
Coverage for Non-Owned Automobile Liability included (follows the CGL limit chosen)
Coverage for $1,000,000 Employers Liability included
Premiums start as low as $574 annually
This summary provides an outline of your insurance program and general scope of coverage as afforded by your various policies and is for quick reference purposes. It is not intended to supplement or supplant the actual policy contracts. Specific reference to the policies, individual schedules, endorsements and conditions is required for actual determination of coverage. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic we wish to bring to your attention that many insurance policies contain specific exclusions related to any loss/claim due to contagious or communicable diseases, including any loss directly or indirectly related to a contagious disease as well as those related to government measures. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of each policy issued. In all cases, please refer to your policy wordings and declarations values to determine the actual coverage, terms and exclusions.